This exercise is going to help you become aware of the true subconscious emotions that are at the core of your emotional upset in a situation. The Triggering Event is the tip of the iceberg and everything else you’ll discover is the base that is holding it up.
Let’s get Started…
Objective: Your job in this exercise is to uncover the deeply hidden emotions that are causing you to be triggered in certain situations.
Below are the instructions that go along with the worksheet. You'll actually do the work on the worksheet itself in Google Docs. Please Get your copy of The Base of the Iceberg Worksheet and save it in your Google Drive folder. Consider making a couple of copies of the original so you can have them already made when you do the exercise again in the future.
Step 1. Write out the Triggering Event in the space provided.
Step 2. In the space marked ‘Rant,’ write down one thing that bugs you about the situation. You’ll need to do a separate column for each of your Rants. Your Rants should be your all opinions, thoughts, judgments and issues. Really vent your feelings and thoughts.
Step 3. Pause and feel the impact of your Rant.
Step 4. In the spaces provided, write down how the Rant makes you feel in your physical body, how the energy is moving and what emotion is present for you.
Step 5. Experience the emotion and use your mind to come up with an extreme feeling, image or scenario that demonstrates the emotion that you’re experiencing.
Step 6. Repeat this process for each of the rants that you have around the Triggering Event. If you need more columns, be sure to copy and paste a blank table.
Get your copy of The Base of the Iceberg Worksheet: