What the Tech?!

Dear Badass Butterfly Spiritual Life Coach In-Training,

Technology is going to be an important part of your business. Let's face it. I won't degrade technology by calling it a 'necessary evil,' because I don't think it's evil. I love technology because it enriches my life and allows me to travel the world teaching, coaching, and mentoring. Also, technology is ruled by energy, just like you and me. So I won't speak ill of something that Mercury and Diana adore.

In this module, you're going to find tutorials that you'll need to watch so that you can learn how to use the technology that is a requirement for this course. You'll be using Google Drive to turn in your assignments and to share your work with me. You'll be using Airtable to create databases for storing your contacts and clients, and for creating spreadsheets for all sorts of things like your blogs, your educational strategy, and your program launch strategy.

This module should be used as a reference. DO NOT attempt to watch and learn all of these videos at one time. The ones that are important to get started are marked with a ✷. Watch those two as soon as possible. Watch the rest as they come up in the curriculum.

If you are technologically savvy then you'll find this module to be a breeze. If you're technologically behind the times, you'll feel very much in-the-know by the time you're finished.

Have fun! Enjoy the tutorials!