Weeks 23, 24, and 25: Build Your PreLaunch Program Using Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula

Welcome to the most exciting part of your business building journey-- your flagship program PreLaunch!

That gorgeous program you've created needs to be FULL of excited students who are eagerly wanting to learn what you've got to teach. The way you get them enrolled and excited about it is by highlighting their pain point, getting them itchy about it, and then demonstrating your excellent solution. This process is called your PreLaunch.

Your PreLaunch is three to five pieces of high value Prelaunch Content shared over a course of 10-12 days. So, your goal is to make a series of contacts with your followers on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and your budding email list using the power PreLaunch material that you are going to create in this module.

This PreLaunch material is going to lead your followers to the natural conclusion that enrolling in your program is the natural solution for their pain point. Because you would have lovingly educated them, they will feel naturally drawn to working with you.

All of this is described in precise detail in Jeff Walker's Launch book. This entire module is based on that book, so you need to dive into the book and learn it deeply. Please start reading it (or listening to it) immediately.

In the lessons, you are going to find the notes that I think are important from book.

Your job here is to build a PreLaunch program using Jeff's Product Launch Formula.

Please note that each lesson contains there a LOT of notes. They are taken directly from the book, so none of the lessons should look foreign to you as you move through the work! If you've read the book, you will do very well in this module and you're likely going to LOVE the process and the outcome of your PreLaunch.

I do not recommend that you try to proceed without listening to his book. As you read it, you'll understand why I teach you what I teach you with your marketing. The way you set up your email funnels, your Facebook posts, your Facebook group, and your educational content are all informed by Jeff Walker's Product Launch book. It's an excellent philosophy that he has, and it works.

Keep in mind, also, that a successful launch is one that follows all of the steps without cutting corners. And a successful launch that is run without cutting corners is most likely going to give you a solid influx of clients who enroll in your program. Your successful launch can reward you with new income of $2000 to $12,000. This opportunity is not something to be taken lightly!

My first launch using this system brought me 8 new enrollees to my program, and let me tell you, that was SO satisfying.

Also, it's important to remember that your PreLaunch program can be released as an ongoing lead magnet that draws people into your program consistently each month or each quarter or each year, depending on your particular strategy. So making sure that you follow all of Jeff's book NOW will provide you an excellent program that will bring you continual benefits. So let's nail this, Badass Butterfly Spiritual Life Coach In-Training!