BETA | Crystal Lynn’s Sample Treasury of Boasts Master List

Boasts Master List

Hi! This is a partial list of my boasts.

My categorized list of boasts

Personal Transformation

  1. I have transformed my mindset from unworthy to Badass.
  2. I have gotten myself off of anxiety medication that I took by using spiritual principles
  3. 500 consecutive days of meditation
  4. I keep my word to myself.
  5. I went from a 13 minute mile to a 7 minute mile in five months.
  6. I’ve run 12 marathons


  1. Badass Butterfly’s schedule is full!
  2. Created Badass Butterfly to help free women from the prison of unworthiness and help them live Badass lives.
  3. Founder of Everyday Zen Relaxation Studio, Spiritcentric, Fearless Living Boot Camp and Badass Butterfly Training
  4. Built a wellness studio from the ground up. It was a brick-and-mortar business and I had 13 staff members doing spa services as well as yoga and healing modalities such as acupuncture and Reiki. We also taught classes on spiritual subjects like astrology, herbal medicine and meditation.
  5. Got my start working in my family business and learned the inside outs of business management at an early age.
  6. Been at the decision-making center of several business start-ups in industries such as coaching, wellness, nutrition and dentistry.
  7. I have helped medical and dental professionals establish relaxation and wellness programs in their practices.
  8. I have trained wellness practitioners such as massage therapists, skin therapists, acupuncturists and healers
  9. Created Spiritcentric to help women learn how to connect to their Spirits and find healing.
  10. Created a blog platform that gets over 10k hits per month
  11. Worked as consultants for dental office start ups, helping dentists launch multi-million dollar practices.
  12. I am really proud of the spiritual life coaching business that I have created. Not only does it provide me with an abundant income that lets me live a lavish lifestyle, it also gives me the freedom to travel the world, living where I want and doing what I want to do when I want to do it. I also love that my business fully reflects my inner state and my connection with Spirit, so it acts as a barometer of my own inner state. And the fact is that I get to work with people at the highest level of their being. I get to work with Spirit Guides, Angels, Ancestors, Gods, Goddesses, Faeries and all the other beautiful beings of light that love and protect us. It is a real honor and blessing.

Spirituality Stuff

  1. Studied the Completion Process under author and spiritual guru Teal Swan.
  2. Helped thousands of women gain spiritual freedom using tried-and-true healing techniques.
  3. Studied Vedic astrology in Haridwar, India under Swami


  1. I obtained my Bachelor of Arts degree from the American University of Paris, France.
  2. ourI have lived a fabulous life. I have help uncover the remains of ancient Saka Kurgans in Kazakhstan, climbed to the very heights of sacred mosques in Uzbekistan. I have experienced life in a peaceful ashram in Haridwar, India. I have done ayahuasca in the jungles of Brazil, and looked over the edge of the world's highest waterfall. I have run successful businesses, studied Vedic astrology with a genuine swami, performed, as priestess, powerful purifying rituals in the sacred Ganga river. I was there when my mother took her last breath.
  3. Traveled the world working my coaching business
  4. I established a business in Italy.
  5. I am also proud that I do 20 sessions per week! This shows how in demand I am!
  6. I always feel proud when I am asked to speak at events and to offer my services to groups of people. I always feel honored. I was particularly honored when Teal Swan flew me out to her retreat center to facilitate the Completion Process for a self-love event.
  7. My proudest moments come when my private spiritual life coach certification students pull their core programs together and they have that moment where they see how all the different individual pieces work together to form the beautiful whole. Starting a business requires focusing on small details as well as keeping your eye on the big picture and I love working between the two perspectives. A spiritual business owner has to be careful not to spend too much time in the ethers and forget to come down to Earth.
  8. Proud moments come every day when I see a client’s face shift when they’ve seen the Light.
  9. Some of my proudest moments come when people from science come to me specifically because of my Badass Butterfly Philosophy and the way I teach. There was Karen in Long Beach, a physician who came to me for Reiki certification and started using Reiki in her medical practice. There is also Amita who has a thriving medical practice in Houston. She came to me for her own personal transformation and then she referred her husband, a prominent heart specialist.
  10. The day I went to check in with one of my graduates and she was thriving her business. She was rocking her group, her podcast, her blog and her services.
  11. I felt proud one day when I was out on a date with a man and a young woman came up to say hello because she recognized me from my blog.
  12. I feel very proud when people send me emails (and money) of appreciation because my blog and Facebook presence inspire them.