Hi, Lovely! I think to keep things clear, it's easier for me to have uploaded both videos into this lecture.
Please watch these two videos when you can. If you have attended the group sessions or watched the replay, you don't need to watch these at all because we went over it in detail then. Regardless, you can watch these two videos for a more in-depth discussion of the form you are going to be using and the process that is helping you heal.
To do this Changing a Core Belief exercise, you might want to have your completed Finding the Core Belief Worksheet open for reference.
There is no slideshow presentation for this week's curriculum. There is just the Changing a Core Belief Instructions and Worksheet.
Be sure to write down any questions that might come up for you. You can bring the questions to our Kaleidoscope or private sessions. It's all up to you. Enjoy the process!